Monday, March 20, 2006

"outta my way/i'm drunk as Heeeeeelllllll!!!/i'll blow your ass away/like i'm ringin' a bell!"

I thought this would be a fantastic addition to my spankin' spiffy video blog. I didn't put this video on the internet, per say, but I did do the drumming.

Actually that's not true. The guy who drums in Nine Pound Hammer (the guys who did the theme for 12oz and a lot more awesome) did it.

But I felt it.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

"zinn tested, chomsky approved"

The first of hopefully numerous vlogs on this. They'll come slow, no doubt, but hopefully steady... This first one is a commercial I created for my Video I class last semester... but I feel like it is timeless, regardless. It makes me happy, for sure. Let me know your thoughts...

It is a commercial for the new way to start your day... with a big bowl of Anti-Capitalism.

Bon Appetit!

Click Here to Enjoy!

(it goes without saying of course, that this is all copyright me, as I was the writer, the director, the editor, the composer, AND that's my voice talking in the voice over for this commercial, so there's really about no way in hell you could get away with ganking this... but in case there was any doubt...

"anti-capitalism breakfast cereal" commercial ©2006 josh copeland)